Ocean and Coastal Law, Cases and Materials 6/e
Originally intended as an update to incorporate new material on climate change and the law of the sea, and on the transition to renewable energy sources, the 6th edition has been expanded beyond a survey of UNCLOS, federal statutes and common law doctrines. It now encompasses materials that analyze the geographical and federalism dimensions of these doctrines and statutes. A separate chapter, "Bays, Estuaries and Watersheds," takes a deep dive into the Clean Water Act and its role in eliminating pollution emanating from coastal municipalities, farming, power plants, and petrochemical industries. This deep dive will allow students to see and debate the shift in environmental policy from bans and prohibitive regulations to pollution pricing, compensatory mitigation, and cap-and-trade. The new material will help professors contextualize recent decisions of the US Supreme Court that second-guess these policy shifts and deploy novel theories of judicial review and deference to the science-informed judgments of administrative agencies.